Category Archives: Windows

Disable Cortana in Windows 10

Windows 10 has been updating the search to only use Cortana, Microsoft’s digital assistant. This assistant might be useful to you and Microsoft has put a lot of time in making Cortana reasonable to use.
Some people would rather have the good old basic search that only shows the programs and the files on your local computer without all the web results and options fro the assistant. Recent updates from Microsoft have change the location of the settings so that you must sign in to Cortana in order to disable options like ‘Show Web Results‘.

There is a way to disable Cortana and change her back to a dumb search box for your system with a few simple edits to the windows registry. Be warned that changing the registry can have major impact on your systems stability if you are not careful.

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Remove Suggested Apps from Windows 10 by Registry

If you need to remove the new suggested applications option from the Windows 10 Start Menu, and you need to push this change to a large install base of managed systems you have a few options.

You can create a GPO to disables the feature if you are managing a domain, or you can modify the registry if you are using a Remote Management Suite to manage several domains and/or workgroups.

Here is the registry value to disable the suggested applications.

This command can be run from an admin command prompt to set the registry setting.
REG ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CloudContent /v DisableWindowsConsumerFeatures /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

Event ID 4319 NetBIOS over TCP/IP with Dual Nic’s

We have received many alerts on the error Event ID 4319 as seen below.
Event log: System
Event Source: NetBT
Event ID: 4319
Message Contents: A duplicate name has been detected on the TCP network.
The IP address of the computer that sent the message is in the data.
Use nbtstat -n in a command window to see which name is in the Conflict state.


View of the nbtstat -n command result

The cause of this issue has been systems that have more than one network card, this is more common in laptops that will use a hardline in the office. you can see this by using the command ‘nbtstat -n’ multiple network cards have the same NetBIOS name.

To correct this behavior you could prevent both network cards from connecting at the same time, although that is not a viable tactic to us. What we have decided to do is disable NetBIOS over TCP/IP on the wireless card.  If you are doing this remotely you can run the following commands.

First you will need to know what the index number of your network card is, you can retrieve that with the following command.

wmic nicconfig get caption,index,TcpipNetbiosOptions


View of the network cards and the index numbers

You can see the index number listed next to each network card name, in this case we are looking for the wireless card, that would be index number ‘2’. You can also see the TcpipNetbiosOptions column is showing a ‘0’, that means it is set to DHCP server options or fail over to enabled if DHCP has no options set. we will need the TcpipNetbiosOptions value to be ‘2’ to disable NetBIOS over TCP/IP, and with the index number we can run the following. (Change the index to the nic relevant to your issue.)

wmic nicconfig where index=2 call SetTcpipNetbios 2


Result of setting NetBIOS over TCP/IP off.

Error: The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135)

If you are getting the error “The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135). Click on OK to terminate the application.” when you are launching an application you do not have the .NET Framework installed.

You can go to to download the .NET Framework from Microsoft.

This can be an issue with XP systems as they do not come with .NET Framework by default, most Vista and newer systems will have .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 installed by default. Please remember that .NET Framework 4.0 is not backwards compatible with .NET Framework 3.5.